Over the next two weeks, we’ll be tabling and speaking at events on three different sides of the United States. Come by to pick from a broad selection of the books, posters, and zines we’ve produced over the past two decades, including all the new materials we’ve produced in the course of our past year of frenzied activity. Learn more about the ideas that inspired these works and the struggles they illustrate. Connect with others who share your dreams of a better world.
Saturday, September 16: Bay Area Anarchist Book Fair
For the 17th year in a row, we will be tabling at the Bay Area Anarchist Book Fair in Oakland, California.
During the book fair, we will also be presenting on our new book, No Wall They Can Build: A Guide to Borders and Migration in North America. Here are the details:
No Wall They Can Build: Resisting the Border
Book fair room #3: East Bay Community Space (507 55th St), Telegraph Room, 11:30 am-12:30 pm
Using the new book, No Wall They Can Build: A Guide to Borders and Migration in North America, as a point of departure, we will discuss the criminalization of undocumented families and the internalization of the border—and how these are proceeding under the Trump administration. We’ll conclude with concrete examples of community responses to border militarization in Arizona.
The inward expansion of the border over the past decade has been accomplished through a shift from civil to criminal law in regards to undocumented populations, and a careful balance of hard and soft controls enacted by police, military, paramilitaries, nonprofits and civilians. Hard controls include imprisonment, deportation, torture, deprivation, assault, and death; soft controls range from information gathering and reporting to state authorities to psychological operations and ideological warfare. Anti-immigrant legislation has extended the reach of enforcement and resulted in record deportations, and this has only worsen under the new regime.
Communities in the Southwest have been dealing with the internalization of the border in several ways: direct aid in the desert, barrio support groups, migra patrol/cop watch, community paralegal clinics, marches, direct action, interfaith organizing and broad community campaigns. It’s past time for anarchists in the US to commit themselves to anti-border work. We have a lot to learn from one another.
Friday to Sunday, September 22-24: Baltimore Book Festival
Thanks to the hospitality of Red Emma’s, we will be tabling at the Baltimore Book Festival in the Radical Book Fair pavilion—Friday evening, all day Saturday, through Sunday afternoon.
On Saturday, at 6 pm, in the Radical Book Fair pavilion, we will read from and speak on our newest books, From Democracy to Freedom and No Wall They Can Build. You can find details about the presentation here.
Sunday, September 24: Houston Anarchist Book Fair
On Sunday, September 24, we will also be tabling at the Houston Anarchist Book Fair located at MECA, 1900 Kane St., Houston, Texas. We are impressed with and grateful to the organizers that they are still making this event happen in the aftermath of a catastrophic hurricane. Crises like Hurricane Harvey only make it more important that gatherings like this continue to take place.
Sunday, September 24, 6 pm: Washington, DC
Finally, that same day, at 6 pm, we will be presenting on From Democracy to Freedom at The Electric Maid at 268 Carroll St NW, Washington, DC. You can find details about the event here. Here is the description for the talk:
From Democracy to Freedom
Democracy is the most universal political ideal of our day. George Bush invoked it to justify invading Iraq; Obama congratulated the rebels of Tahrir Square for bringing it to Egypt; Occupy Wall Street claimed to have distilled its pure form. From the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to the autonomous region of Rojava, practically every government and popular movement calls itself democratic.
And yet it was democracy that brought Donald Trump to power, not to mention Adolf Hitler.
What is democracy, precisely? How can we defend ourselves against democratically-elected tyrants? Is there a difference between government and self-determination, and are there other ways to describe what we are doing together when we make decisions? Drawing on the latest book from the CrimethInc. collective, the presenters will explore these questions and more. Join us for a lively discussion!