This coming month, CrimethInc. operatives will offer two presentations in Scandinavia about the new wave of global revolts and a three-week speaking tour in the Balkans on the theme “After the Crest,” discussing the life cycle of social movements. Catharsis, one of the flagship bands of passionate anarchic hardcore, will also be playing a rare handful of shows in northern Europe.
Hope to see you at one of these events!
Anarchy in the Age of Global Revolt
In this discussion, we will consider the causes of of the recent wave of global revolts, address the roles that policing, nationalism, and the rhetoric of democracy have played in limiting its horizons, and consider what anarchists could do to open up new possibilities.
August 27 Aalborg, Denmark 1000 FRYD August 28 Gothenburg, Sweden at Bokkafé Vulgo
Catharsis in Scandinavia
August 29 Oslo, Norway: Blitz August 30 Jyväskylä, Finland: Lutakko Liekeissä festival August 31 Stockholm, Sweden: Cyclopen following the Stockholm Anarchist Book Fair in the same venue September 1 Berlin, Germany: Köpi
After the Crest: What We Do between Upheavals
Over the past few years, many places have witnessed sudden eruptions of protest in which everyone pours into the streets. This has taken many forms: anti-austerity protests in Europe, Occupy in the US and elsewhere, transportation protests in Brazil, the Gezi resistance in Turkey, the uprising in Bosnia, and most recently—and problematically—the nationalist revolution in Ukraine.
But all of these have passed without solving the problems that gave rise to them. What limits have they reached, and what would it take to go beyond these limits? If a single upheaval won’t bring down capitalism, we have to ask what’s important about such high points of struggle: what we hope to get out of them, how they figure in our long-term vision, and how to make the most of the period that follows them.
In this presentation, participants in popular struggles in Slovenia and North America will speak about our experiences and pose questions. Please come ready to discuss!
This tour is part of an ongoing investigation on the theme “After the Crest.”
September 3 Ljubljana, Slovenia: [A] Infoshop, AKC Metelkova September 4 Rijeka, Croatia: Masari September 5-6 Mostar, Bosnia: 5th Antifascist Festival and 8th Balkan Anarchist Bookfair, OKC Abrašević September 7 Sarajevo, Bosnia: Kino Bosna September 8 Tuzla, Bosnia: Klub Bunt September 9 Belgrade, Serbia: Infoshop Furija, Inex Film September 10 Timisoara, Romania: TamTam September 11 Cluj, Romania @ Casa September 12 Bucharest, Romania: Claca September 13-14 Sofia, Bulgaria: Be the Change festival September 15 Skopje, Macedonia: AKS Centar September 16 Thessaloniki, Greece: Yfanet squat September 17 Volos, Greece September 22 Athens, Greece: OCCUPIED THEATRE EMBROS, hosted by Void Network