OK, so we’re still not lovin’ the cops—but how do we live without them? In our sixth installment of the Ex-Worker, CrimethInc’s twice-monthly anarchist podcast, we follow up on our last two episodes about prisons and police with a discussion of how to stay safe without the state. We also hear a Croatan Earth First! organizer reporting back from the Round River Rendezvous and the campaign against hydrofracking, review the latest issue of Fifth Estate Magazine, discuss some listener feedback about the politics of anarchist support for the Cuban Five, and share plenty of news and events.
You can download this and all of our previous episodes online. You can also subscribe in iTunes here or just add the feed URL to your podcast player of choice. Rate us on iTunes and let us know what you think, or send us an email to podcast@crimethinc.com. A new episode comes out on the first and third Sunday of every month.