Update for the Hell of It


Ok, a few updates here, the most important being the new Circus Tour website — read all about it in detail and check out the dates for the various legs of the tour. It is shaping up to be quite a grand adventure, and if you get involved, it will be even better. Also, we have received many emails asking if we still need help getting copies of Off the Map and with the CrimethInc. Into Libraries Project, and the answer is: YES! We have received hundreds of copies of OTM and have sent books to more than eighty libraries, but for both projects, we hope this is just the tip of the iceberg and we still need your help. Finally, the post office is increasing the rates for Media Mail and Priority Mail at the end of June, but don’t worry, even though this is the second rate increase since we set our prices two years ago, all of our postage paid prices will remain the same. OK, one last thing… our next publication, Hunter/Gatherer, is nearing completion and the full details about its newsprint goodness will be here within two weeks. Enjoy the weather, love your friends.